If you’ve decided to take the plunge to work for yourself – either from home or perhaps eyeing up one of the currently vacant shop or office units in Ruddington – here’s something which could really help.
Village entrepreneurs are being invited to sign up to a free two-day online workshop covering the fundamentals of running a successful business, which it’s promised will provide practical insights and tools to help boost the survival rates of new businesses.
The so-called ‘Nottinghamshire Start-up Bootcamp’ is available in our village and some other areas of Nottinghamshire as part of a wider ‘Accelerator’ project which is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and delivered by East Midlands Chamber.
It provides essential support to pre and early-stage businesses and offers crucial interventions to boost the survival rates of businesses within their first three years of trading.
NBV Enterprise Solutions Ltd is hosting the online programme on the following dates:
• Thursday January 18th and 19th from 9.30am to 3.30pm
• Thursday February 22nd and 23rd from 9.30am to 3.30pm
• Thursday March 14th and Friday March 15th from 9.30am to 3.30pm
Topics covered on the course include:
• Knowledge, skills, and characteristics needed by business owners
• Sole trader, limited company, partnership – which is best for you?
• Your legal responsibilities as a business owner
• Marketing your business
• Understanding tax, National Insurance and VAT
• Record keeping and business banking
• Start up and running costs.
• Planning your personal survival budget

Rushcliffe Borough Council Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Business and Growth Cllr Abby Brennan says: “We are encouraging entrepreneurs across the Borough to take part in our free Start-Up Accelerator programme designed to provide the necessary tools, guidance, and resources to help businesses sustain, grow, and innovate. The programme is set up to help boost the survival rates of businesses within their first three years of trading and support is available through telephone, online, and face-to-face interactions to cater to the diverse needs of entrepreneurs.”
East Midlands Chamber Deputy Chief Executive Diane Beresford adds: “According to the Office for National Statistics, an average of 91% of enterprises are still active after their first year of trading (from 2019), but this figure drops to 56% after three years. While it is a statistic that fares well against the national average, relevant interventions through our delivery partner NBV Enterprise Solutions Ltd are vital in providing the support needed at the earliest stages of conceiving and running a business.”
NBV Enterprise Solutions Ltd’s Regional Director Andrea Huscroft says: “We are delighted that Rushcliffe residents and businesses can access this fully funded programme of support. Our local Start Up Adviser, Charlotte Jordan, has a great wealth of experience in support small business owners and the Start Up Boot Camp covers everything a budding entrepreneur needs to consider when setting up in business.”
So you don’t miss out on this opportunity to receive free tailored support, you’re invited to sign up TODAY at http://www.nbv.co.uk/training-and-events.